Work life balance – Here’s why it matters

Today life is a far cry from life before smartphones and tablets. Life is fast paced, and the world of work is no different. Trying to achieve a sensible work life balance can be difficult but as employers we have a responsibility to make sure that although we want great results, we must look after our employees at the same time.

In recent years work shift patterns have changed, but it’s still not acceptable to work from 8am to 7 or 8pm on a regular basis.  If that’s the culture where you work, you should be questioning whether this is good for your health? And, it’s not just about health, your relationships and ultimately your work performance will also suffer. 

Why Work-Life Balance Really Matters

In case we haven’t persuaded you that work-life balance is important, these four reasons should help…

Early burnout

If you constantly feel overwhelmed, you could be on course for early burnout. The stress will impact on your relationships in and out of work, and usually negatively.  Talk to your manager and plan to tackle the stress points head-on to avoid the burnout.

Stay focused

In the age of smart phones and email alerts distractions are everywhere.  Try to stay focused in the office as you will be more efficient, and your boosted productivity will mean less hours spent in the office and your to-do list will be completed in half the time.

Good health

It’s well known that immune systems suffer when we are overworked and stressed.  Look after yourself by leaving work on time when you can, hit the gym or work for a company that encourages healthy activities or has a wellbeing plan.

Feel the love

Leave work at the office so that you can give those in your home life the attention they deserve.

What do you think?

Do you have a good work life balance?  Could you do better?