With millennials making up more than 35% of UK workers and set to represent 50% by 2020, a growing number of businesses are finally embracing more modern ways of working.

Law firms are no exception and as millennials are reaching an age where they’re increasingly needing legal services, whether it’s to buy a home or get a divorce, there’s more demand than ever for law firms to meet expectations.

According to the 2017 Legal Trends Report by Clio, around 30% of millennials who have had a legal issue say they prefer to share legal documents with their lawyers digitally, compared to 23% of older clients.


What once was an optional extra for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge has now become essential in order to survive in the modern legal landscape. Not only can outdated technology leave legal firms lagging behind their rivals, it can make it difficult to stay above water.


Many companies are transforming the legal space by adopting cloud computing technologies to create software designed for results-driven law firms. Not only are these cloud-based tools enabling companies to work smarter and more effectively, they’re increasingly accessible and affordable too.


Customers aren’t the only audience likely to be drawn to law firms who’ve embraced the cloud with open arms. Millennial employees demand them as well.


Research firm PSB found that 80% of millennials say workplace tech influences whether or not they take a job and 70% feel advanced tech and smart offices are crucial to a collaborative, productive and efficient working environment.


There’s an abundance of tools helping legal businesses to grow, manage cases, communicate with other staff members, safely share private documents, and send invoices.


Thanks to the rise in cloud computing software designed especially for law firms, there’s more flexibility than ever before for those businesses wishing to catch the attention of millennial clients.