Cloud computing is a term that can be used to describe a very broad spectrum of technologies and tools.

Covering everything from software-as-a-service tools like Google Drive and Dropbox to infrastructure-as-a-service providers like Windows Azure and Rackspace, cloud computing can allow businesses to do everything from backing up important images to managing large quantities of company data.

One of the key benefits of cloud technology for IFAs is the way it aids productivity and makes it easier for every member of the team to get their work done and reduce distractions. Here are just a few ways to harness the cloud’s power and use it to grow your productivity.


Coherently manage each project

Collaboration can be an effective way of getting more done and making the most of each person’s skills. But with several people working on the same project, things can become complicated. This can especially be the case if you’re having to send documents back and forth, communicate deadlines to each member of the team, discuss and relay changes to one another, and identify who is responsible for each task.


Work remotely

It’s no secret that the cloud can enable those who embrace it to work from anywhere with minimum effort. Whether you’re working from home or you need to access important documents from a client’s computer during a meeting, the cloud will allow you to read, edit and share the content you need within a matter of clicks.


Reduce downtime

Whether you’re experiencing internet connection problems within your office or a device has broken, downtime can have a significant impact on your clients’ finances, your reputation, and your IFA’s ability to operate effectively.

With the help of the cloud, however, you can reduce the amount of time you spend inactive and ensure that in the event of a tech crisis, business operations can continue. Depending on the issue at hand, you can either work from another location or use different devices, while accessing the same tools you usually do with the help of cloud storage, apps and programmes.